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About The Author


Vesta Spivakovsky is a journalist and public figure, and the head of the public organization Women of Our City in St. Petersburg. She is an expert on family kidnapping and PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome) in Russia for BBC and Spiegel. She worked as a host on the leading Tricolor TV, led the first-ever author's legal podcast on, written for Mother's Journal and, a platform for parents. She also maintains a blog on, the largest blogging platform in Russia, highlighting PAS, parent's and children's rights in family law, as well as publishing short stories.


When faced personally with the problem of family kidnapping, she established a public organization that helps, educates, and connects separated parents around the world. Vesta is currently seeking amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation, providing for punishment for the abduction of a child by one of the parents.


Her first book, published in Russian by the Piter Publishing Company in September 2018, took the public discussion of PAS to a new level, revealing a trend of systematic violations in all individual cases of parental alienation. Vesta has international publishing rights, and is currently in a process of publishing the second edition of the original text in Ukraine.  She is also actively seeking a literary agent and publisher in the U.S. for the English text of "Louder Than Silence", due to be completed translating by March 2020. (Also looking for an expert on PAS, who can give a preface to the English translation as well.)


The most current presentations of her book have lead to a broad public discussion of the problem of PAS in Russia, while also connecting various parent groups, experts, ombudsmen, and lawyers.



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